Aug 11, 20245 min read
Calvinism 101: What is Calvinism and Why Does it Matter?
What is Calvinism which is also known as the Doctrines of Grace? As it is a controversial subject in Christian circles, some say that it...
Who we are: Christ-centered loving Christian community, Evangelistic, emphasis on Discipleship, All-Member Participation on Sundays, Family-Integrated, Elder-rule ecclesiology, Reformed Baptist theology, the Doctrines of Grace, Dispensational End Times, Cessationism and Creationism, New Testament Church with Expository Preaching.
Time: Sunday church gatherings occur weekly at 10am.
​Location: Pastor Croissant's Home in the Villages of Rancho El Dorado, 43634 W McClelland Ct, Maricopa, AZ 85138. Note: Pastor Croissant was ordained for ministry.
​Worship by the Book: We pray the Word, read the Word, sing the Word (psalms and biblical hymns), preach the Word, see the Word in the Lord's Supper (weekly) and Baptism, send the Word via our offerings, and share the Word in mutual edification. We believe in the Regulative Principle of Worship.
Acts 2:42
Every Tuesday 7:15pm
Devoted to the Apostles Doctrine and Scripture.
Contact: 503 932 3915.
Every Friday 7:15pm
Devoted to Prayer and the Lord. Contact: 503 932 3915.
Devoted to Evangelism. Regular outreach for God's glory and the Lost.
Devoted to Fellowship. Christian Movie night once a month. BBQ, Bowling, or Game Nights.